CoachingI coach individuals and teams in education who want to get more out of their work and to develop further, particularly in the areas of CLIL and methodology.
Individual coaching During an intake, we discuss your coaching question and aims. In the following sessions, we dig into the challenges you are facing and work together towards solutions. Observing and videoing in the classroom can also be a part of the coaching (I am a qualified video coach - video interactie begeleider). During the coaching sessions, I can…
Time A coaching session lasts an hour and a quarter, and we usually meet once a fortnight.
Team coaching I coach individuals in teams at your school. I first carry out intakes with each individual in the team. during my second visit, I observe each teacher teaching and we discuss how it went. I can give both individual and team feedback. A further day of coaching can also be added a month or so later. It is effective to combine team coaching with training
Intensive personalized coaching I specialize in coaching individuals one-to-one who are looking for intensive, personal coaching in CLIL or other areas of education. You come and stay at a hotel in my home town, Amersfoort, and we work for a number of days on your professional development at my home. Before you arrive, we discuss your individual goals for the duration of your stay. I design an individualised course for you and we work intensively. You go home with concrete, practical ideas for your own context.
Chantal Hemmi, a professor from Sophia University in Tokyo, followed some intensive coaching with me in the summer of 2013. Here is her feedback.